Exclusive extracts from Daniel O’Leary’s masterful Habit trilogy as the books join our A Positive Christmas sale this season!
The Habit Trilogy: The Happiness Habit
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Most of your thinking is making you unhappy. It is contaminated! This fact surprises people. You pick and take over old sores almost every day, scratching at the scabs of past hurts until they bleed again. You rush to conclusions, placing the most negative meaning possible on what happens to you. You forget that the main cause of your unhappiness is not the situation itself, not the things in themselves, not the events that happen, but the way you think about them. You see things, not as they are, but as you are! Do not let your thinking victimize you. This hurting habit accounts for the vast majority of your stress. Check it out with yourself. Becoming aware of it, and then changing this habitual thought pattern will spare you much pain. But it takes time! Do you have the patience to persevere?
The Habit Trilogy: The Healing Habit
€12.99 €9.99
There are people who find it almost impossible to stop thinking negatively, vengefully, darkly. They are obsessed, maybe possessed, by thoughts of being wronged, unjustly treated, bitterly blaming colleagues, family, religion, society, God. How can such people be helped to turn things around, to find a more true perspective on their lives, to regain a lost resilience, to re-make and re-mind their minds before falling into a state of despair? Is it possible for them to lift their habits of thinking to another level, from a kind of sluggish struggle to a brighter take on things? That is what The Healing Habit is attempting to do: to offer some solid ground for your walk to a happier life.
The Habit Trilogy: The Heavenly Habit
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The pain of timidity can lead to an incapacity to participate in life, can lock the sufferer away so that the excitement of learning and making mistakes is lost to them. Its root can be insidious, might come from fear, embarrassment or shame, or be due to repression by others; but the outcome is always the same in that the sufferer will sense that they are missing out on life. Timidity can breed further timidity. This doesn’t mean that to be away from the busyness of life or to be content is wrong, but growth and development is natural, and timidity can abort this. There is something wonderful in witnessing the confidence and the dawning realization of the possible in the once timid person as they become willing to take chances in and on life.