Mining our faith for ‘forgotten treasures of God’

Mining our faith for ‘forgotten treasures of God’

Due to the huge demand, An Astonishing Secret, by the late Daniel O’Leary, is now back in stock. Below is an extract from the introduction of the book, to give a sample of what awaits within the pages which have brought inspiration and renewed spiritual exploration to so many people already.

Fr Daniel O'Leary“In these pages we explore some of the new insights and revelations now emerging and enriching that faith. People are finding renewed and deeper ways of being Christian, of being Catholic, of being human. … An Astonishing Secret offers 49 reflections on selected extracts from Pope Francis’s creative writings, which invite an exciting unpacking and a creative exploring. … The Pope is deeply concerned that we understand something of the true meaning of the Incarnation story; it is central to our faith and, unbelievably, we have mostly ignored that most beautiful mystery. … We need time to read about these life-transforming moments in the journey of Christianity. We need help to grasp the depth and beauty and enormity of what is happening. We need to get acquainted with a new language so as to receive a new spiritual ‘heart of flesh’ based on the wonder of Creation and its evolutionary journey into the future.

“Nothing essential has changed in our beliefs; what is happening is that the astounding mystery is gradually revealing still more and undreamt of possibilities to fill us with a longing to be part of it. … The purpose of writing this book is to follow those guidelines, to deepen this vision, to keep digging beneath the rubble of our fading faith to find these forgotten treasures of God. The current collapsing and conflict within the institution urge us to explore deeper to find these buried and beautiful revelations about the Christian Creator-God. They are all still there, waiting to be recovered, renewed and reshaped in the light of a new impetus from the Holy Spirit, an enlightened theology of creation and incarnation, the impact of astonishingly exciting revelations of science, and the vision of Pope Francis.”

To read more of Daniel O’Leary’s beautiful words, you can get your own copy of An Astonishing Secret by clicking here.