Finding Serenity Bundle Offer


Finding Hope
Sr Stanislaus Kennedy
244 Pp
ISBN 9781782183969
Finding Peace
Sr Stanislaus Kennedy
228 Pp
ISBN 9781782183815
Categories: , Product ID: 17325


Finding Hope

Hope is needed in our daily lives now more than ever. Wars and the pandemic, along with the ongoing climate crisis, are affecting the lives of many people all over the world. In this difficult time, hope is the unifying force to carry us through the despair. To inspire others to find hope in their lives, Sr Stan reached out to a number of individuals to discover where they find hope.

As with her previous best seller Finding Peace (2021), Sr Stan posed the question “Where and how do you find hope in your daily life?”. Despite being a very personal question, public figures and private citizens responded in droves and the result is an authentic and beautiful book sure to inspire readers.


Finding Peace

While the Covid-19 pandemic was a challenging time, it has also offered an opportunity for individuals to open up to an inner world. A time to find out that there is a human need for something beyond the routine of everyday life. During this time, Sr Stan gathered writings from some well-known and some not so well-known people to understand how others bring peace into their lives every day.

“Where and how do you find peace in your daily life?” was the question posed to the contributors including TV presenter Miriam O’Callaghan, rugby player Johnny Sexton, singer Liam O’Maonlai, actor Tommy Tiernan and women’s health advocate Vicky Phelan among many others. Each individual had something different to offer, so the material here is diverse and wide-ranging. What is clear from all the contributions is that peace is about relationships and ultimately it is about love.