Travelling Light


Your Journey to Wholeness
Daniel J. O’Leary
256 Pages
ISBN 9781856073196

SKU: 9781856073196 Categories: , Tags: , , Product ID: 175


There are two questions to ask yourself: Do you feel a call to deepen your life, to live more freely, to be more happy? And are you prepared to take the time and the trouble to discover this new way of living, and to enjoy it forever? The aim of this book is to empower you to respond ‘Yes!’ to both questions.

The ‘breathers’ of Travelling Light are reflections and practices for those who set out in search of their true fulfilment and destiny. The adventures will be many. The road unsure. The pain never far away. This book is written from within, inspired by the author’s own soul’s journey. It is drawn from a theology of creation and a spirituality of the heart.

This is a prime example of the “ordinariness of the sacred” that so many people need today. This is the wisdom that only comes from having been there, having done your homework, and having met God. It is such wisdom as Daniel O’Leary’s that will lead our people through this dark and narrow time in Western Christianity. God always sends us what we need – Richard Rohr OFM

Travelling Light is one man’s journey into the abyss where mystery is at home, scary at times but always offering light and hope. This journal contains several gems of wisdom and grace, embroidered with a range of practical suggestions for meditation, stillness and prayer. What makes this book special is its transparent witness to an age-old conviction, namely that the stuff of the spiritual life is made by walking the journey, and not by reaching a destination. – Diarmuid Murch MSC

A wonderfully soothing book … Travelling Light demonstrates with clarity and compassion that when we give ourselves the permission and space from the ever increasing busyness that affect our lives we can discover and rediscover genuine rest, insight, wisdom, compassion, lightness of heart and spirit. – Sr Stanislaus Kennedy RSC, Author

About the Author

Daniel O’Leary was originally from Rathmore in County Kerry. He worked as a priest in the Diocese of Leeds and was known across the world as a bestselling author, inspiring speaker and retreat facilitator. He worked in parishes for almost 30 years and for another 20 years he taught Theology and Religious Education at St Mary’s University College in London. He became chair of its Religious Studies department, before being appointed Episcopal Vicar for Christian Formation in Leeds until 2000. Over many years his theology and spirituality were a source of inspiration and solace to countless people. Daniel was diagnosed with cancer in the summer of 2018 and died in January, 2019 shortly after completing his book ‘Dancing To My Death’.

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