Maranatha Yoga reviewed in The Irish Catholic by Peter Costello
Drawing on Asian wisdom
Maranatha Yoga: a preparation for Christian Meditation, an illustrated handbook by Christine Pickering (Columba Books, €12.99)
Not so long ago yoga was looked on with great suspicion by many people in Ireland. It was a foreign idea, it was akin some thought to paganism, coming as it did from India. But in recent decades our understanding of other people, other traditions, other ways for the body and mind to be nourished, has changed.
Author Christine Pickering has a Church College’s Certificate in Christian Calling and Service.
She trained as a Spiritual Director with the Ecumenical Spirituality Team at Rydal Hall, Cumbria.
A practitioner of Hatha yoga, as featured in the BBC Songs of Praise series in 2008, and continues to teach yoga as a way of development for Christians.
Her book is designed to allow an approach to the benefits of yoga at home.
Proponents of yoga going back to Yeats-Brown in the 1930s, have always stressed the benefits of this form of meditation as a counter balance to the stresses, strains, and demands of modern life.
Many will welcome this book for its relaxed combination of ancient tradition, modern though, and Christian spirituality.
May 2019
To purchase Maranatha Yoga: a preparation for Christian Meditation click here.